I Saw Her

Don MacLeod
1 min readMar 13, 2019


I saw her
I wasn’t supposed to
It was as if
It was between the blink of an eye
And I didn’t turn my head
Like I was about to
She paused
All golden
Her four wings fluttering in the wind
She smiled
Fairy dust fell to the ground
She moved towards me
And then
As if she changed her mind
I knew
She decided
To let me remember her
To take in her beauty
To feel the magic
To share the moment
I remember the sound too
As she moved
Tiny bells would be close
Not quite right
Not delicate enough
Not magic enough
The beauty
Stays with me
The magic
Stays with me
And her smile
Stays with me



Don MacLeod

Writer, Poet, Author, Innocent Ignorant in another atmosphere, Singer of songs that have no tunes.